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Making global leaders

How Markel’s leadership programs develop the next generation of leaders

Since 1930, Markel has evolved from insuring jitney buses in Norfolk, Virginia, to becoming a Fortune 500 company with business operations around the world. Many have asked, “How has the company grown so consistently since the beginning?” Beyond products or expertise, the answer lies in the company’s culture—called the Markel Style—and the ability to create leaders who serve as guardians of that culture.

In a competitive global market, it’s essential to identify and develop leaders who are passionate about building, retaining and leading high-performing teams. This requires establishing global leadership development programs that support a working environment where individual and team potential is maximized.

Sue Davies, Chief Human Resources Officer

As the global insurance industry continues to dynamically evolve, it is essential that we build Markel’s leadership capabilities to handle the ever-changing business landscape.

Lara Nichols, Markel’s Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Talent Management, explains: “As a company with offices in multiple countries, we’ve woven the global aspect into our programs to show participants that they can be a leader whether they are based in Singapore, Richmond or San Francisco. We want to create global cohorts and empower them to contribute their expertise and ideas to run a global business that exceeds our customers’ expectations.”

Markel business leaders and human resource business partners identify eligible employees for enrollment in a leadership development program. Typical participants are identified as having high potential and demonstrate a record of strong performance. Talent Development ensures that representation in the leadership programs reflects the diversity of Markel and its many functional units. “We have a thorough, rigorous way of identifying participants for the leadership development programs which provides us with a base of diverse, high-performing employees to draw from,” Lara notes.

Markel’s leadership development programs

The Markel Style states that as a company, Markel provides “an atmosphere in which people can reach their personal potential.” To help employees fulfill that goal, Markel has identified leadership behaviors that align with the Markel Style: own change, create purpose, make bold decisions, lead authentically, cultivate greatness, shape the future and collaborate across boundaries. These behaviors are the foundation for four signature leadership development programs geared specifically to developing great leaders.

These four programs help Markel employees develop leadership capabilities, equipping them to take on a broader role at Markel or get involved with bigger strategic projects across the company.

Clare Willett, Senior Director – Leadership, Learning and Development, said: “We strive to create the best possible learning experiences that develop our next generation of leaders at multiple levels across Markel. These experiences are critical for growth at an individual, team and organizational level.”

Executive Leadership Program

The Executive Leadership Program (ELP) reflects the highest level of leadership at Markel. ELP focuses on senior global leaders from Markel with over 10 years of professional experience. Participants work on strengthening their executive leadership competencies, practicing effective global leadership skills and developing the capabilities to lead corporate-level strategic projects which they work on during the program. Upon completing ELP, graduates are better prepared to advance to senior positions.

Accelerated Leadership Program

Markel also offers the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP), a mid-level leadership program for employees with five to 10 years of professional experience. ALP focuses on preparing leaders to take on broader leadership roles, expanding their organizational awareness and developing leadership capabilities that create empowering environments, enable change, drive business growth and success. Participants graduate with a higher sense of self awareness for individual performance and team development, and the critical role they play in Markel’s success.

Leadership Foundations Program

Of the four programs, the Leadership Foundations Program (LFP) has the most participants—including both individual contributors and people managers. Designed for aspiring leaders, LFP is designed to develop leadership essentials such as emotional intelligence, trust and communication. In addition to developing leadership capabilities, participants gain broader business exposure and enhance their network across the organization. LFP is fully virtual with participants from around the globe.

Empower Coaching Program

Empower Coaching Program (ECP) is the newest addition to Markel’s leadership development programs. At the core of the program are one on one coaching engagements, but ECP also includes additional components to build community, inspire action, and support participants as they strengthen their leadership and impact at Markel.

Becoming a global leader and building lasting connections

Regardless of their career outcomes, participants embrace the new bonds they form with colleagues in the leadership programs, creating new opportunities for global collaboration at Markel.

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